Get your Highlight Reel created by the Stafford Productions team. Your video will be created by the experienced eyes of a professional soccer player, full time college soccer recruiter and experienced editor.
We will take the time to examine all your match highlights and put them in order that best suits your position based on what college coaches and scouts are looking for!
We will create a video that positions you in the best manner to be marketed to Colleges, Universities, Professional Teams, and Coaches.
No Time Restriction.
Unlimited Pre-Selected Clips.
Quality Intro & Graphics.
Identity Circle to Improve Player Visibility.
Special Effects and Animations.
Featured on Stafford Productions Social Media.
Receive Hard Copy and Youtube Link.
24 Hour Turn Around Time.
Reviewed by Our Scouts.
Submit payment via mobile banking app.
Fill out our custom intro form that we will send you a link to.
Share your clips via email or WhatsApp.
Our recruiting expert will review all the footage and assemble the video according to your position.
We will send it back to you (hard copy) for confirmation .
Once confirmed, we’d upload it to YouTube and send you the link.
The Investment
Copyright Stafford Productions LLC